Genaplah sudah umurnya kini, 18 tahun ya ! Tapi ingat, keputusan SPM mu menanti HAHA . Beringat sikit ya ? Btw, I miss you, I always do. I hope after my SPM, kita boleh lah jumpa. You fetch I, ye lah org tu sudah ada lesen kan ?

P/S ; I'm sorry for not replying your msg, not enough credit. So, I reply kat sini je lahh . Hee (:

Thank you so much !



My photo
Nothing much. I'm just an ordinary kid(: I've my own best friend who understands me very well. I'm kinda shy yet quiet person. Any way, thanks for visiting my blog. I knew its ain't interesting at all. No hot stories guys ! Hmmm, or else I just want to keep it myself. No telling stories with others. Only the Almighty knows every single thing I've gone through. You know, some sort of privacy. 2011, my new hope.

precious time