Exam is over ! HAHA, tp en. Tak best jugak oh. Sbbnyaa esok tuh terus dpt paper . aaaaaaaaaaaaa. Aku tatau nak ckp apa kt mak aku nnt -.- Kitaorang dapat + MA , mmg best gila lahh ! betul tak rakan rakan ? Aduishh, mati aku .
After recess, kitaorang tak tahu nak buat apa . Mcm biasalah, yg pmpuan suma borak borak , Adriana pulaa sibuk capture picture .
Ma, kkk nak satu boleh takk ?
HAHA, harapan ahh kau boleh dapat Alia ! *sigh*
Masa balik dari sekolah,
matahari terik + tekak kering = nak minum air
A; Yee, nak ape dik ?
B; Nak air jambu.
A; Okay, kejap ya ?
* layan org lain dulu *
*dah siap*
A; Erm, spe jambu td ?
B; Err, saya !
HAHA, lwk lwk :P tapi kan, jambu tu biasenye untuk laki en ?
Tapi tape lahh, nak P E R A S A N sikit :P
Sudah hampir sebulan ramadhan meninggalkan kita. Sedar tak sedar hampir tamat bulan syawal. Aku tidak tahu mengapa diriku merasakan aku terlalu merinduimu. Ya Allah, aku takut ya Allah. Aku takut dengan-Mu. Berikanlah aku kemanisan beribadat-Mu, ya Allah. Berikanlah aku kemanisan beribadat-Mu. Aku hamba-Mu yang keji malah hina, ya Allah !
Saying good-bye, scared to say why
Afraid it will shatter our world.
Show me some faith now. Trust me somehow.
Why are we keeping our secrets ?
Last 2 weeks, my class was presenting a drama called The Sound Machine. This drama was not exactly the same as The Sound Machine in form 4 literature book which is one of the short stories for upper secondary schools. This short story was changed a bit by our narrator, Yang. The story ends with a happy ending. One day, as Mr.Klausner is fixing his invention he had finally create his own sound machine. Mr. Klausner wants to test the sound machine whether it is functioning or not. He went out from his house by putting-on the headphone to his ear. He talked to all of his plants as he waters the plants. One of the daisy was shouting " hey hey hey! enough talking . I'm thirsty ! Water-me-up ! ". They do a lil' bit gay-ish dance as Klausner showers them. HAHA. Thats one of the exciting moments. Afterward, talked to his friendly beloved Oak Tree which the only plant who cares bout him. As Klausner looks at his neighbour, Mrs. Saunders who was cutting-off a few roses for her garden party tommorrow, he asked Mrs. Saunders to stop cutting the roses because of humanism. She did not understand what tha helk he was crapping on and thought that Mr. Klausner was crazy by saying that the plants were hurt. Mrs. Saunders wanted to report to Dr. Scortia about this. As Dr. Scortia came, Mr. Klausner put the headphone on her and all of sudden, the flowers and the trees were moving. They dancing around and singing with each other too. Mrs. Saunders was hot. "And now, we have another garden nuts ! -..-"Dr. Scortia was looking around the garden. She amazed. No other words that she could say. It was soo cool talking to something that can't be heard by a normal human being. For sure, Mrs. Saunders felt shocked and disoriented. After that, Klausner explained Rex's problem to the doctor. Rex felt so sad being apart from a rose next door. He don't do a long distance relationship. He felt so lonely without her. Klausner asked a permission to Mrs. Saunders to plant the rose next to Rex by the help of Dr. Scortia. "Are you crazy ? I grewwwwwwww them ! They're mine ! " said Mrs. Saunders. "Erm, it just that... Mr. Klausner was just thinking how beautiful you look, as the roses from your garden. If you don't mind, he wants a rose from your garden." replied Dr. Scortia. Mrs. Saunders winks to Klausners. the end.
I'm tired of typing. Tuddles !
P/S; Sheena sudah bising suh update my blog . thts why i posted this, walaupun sudah lama. Sorry Sheena, no HOT STORIES yaw (!)
Setiap insan pasti merasa
saat perpisahan terakhir
dunia yang fana
akan ditinggalkan
hanya amalan yang dibawa
terdengar sayup surah dibaca
sayunya alunan suara
cemas di dada
lemah tak bermaya
terbuka hijap didepan mata
selamat tinggal pada semua
berpisah kita selamanya
kita tak sama nasib di sana
baikkah atau sebaliknya
amalan dan takwa jadi bekalan
sejahtera bagi yang pulang ke sana
sekujur badan berselimut putih
rebah bersemadi sendiri
mengharap kasih anak dan isteri
apa mungkin pahala dikirim
terbaring sempit seluas pusara
soal bicara terus bermula
sesal dan insaf tak berguna lagi
hancurlah jasad dimamah bumi
berpisah sudah segalanya
yang tinggal hanyalah kenangan
diiring doa dan air mata
yang pergi takkan kembali lagi
I was really really really enervated today. aaaarrgghhhhhh (!) pagi pagi tuh, chehh happy gilaaa sbb nak attend the photography session. bila sampai sampai jehh skola dahh jumpa kak suw bayar blazer . HAHA, tak sabar punya fasal ;P ngeeeeeeeeeeeee . erm, pastu ktorang try lahh. bpkBESAR gilaa lahh (!) nadia nmpk sekeping jehh . *haaaaaa jgn mara haa ?* ktorng kene jd cm sardin sekejap masa snapping time. dala hangat, depa duk hingaq pulak . tension jehh -..-
Alhamdulillah, I'm starting to love myself . I would like to share some info(s) i've learned at the Excel Training and Consultany. here
- mengamalkan kaedah pemknan yg seimbang & sihat . Elakkn mkn mknn yg mendtgkn mudarat kpd diri.
- riadah yg konsisten.
- ibadah yg sempurna.
- belajar dgn berkesan.
- hormat ibu ayh, doakn mereka.
- hormat, syg & doakn guru, rakan, seluruh umat islam yg beriman lg beramal soleh.
- syg & tlg kwn.
- brtindak dgn cemerlang & seimbang.
- bkwn dgn pelajar yg bsikap (+ve)
- mahir mengenai strategi & teknik pmbelajaran yg bkesan & tekun belajar.
- pelajar yg cemerlang mengetahui petua petua utk elak drpd lupa.
- suka kpd stiap subj yg dpelajari.
- mahir mengenai strategi & teknik mghadpi ppriksaan.
- sntiasa berdoa & bsyukur kpd Allah.
- sentiasa mncuci hati.
- beri tumpuan dlm kelas.
- jdual wktu yg anjal & menarik.
- disiplin yg tggi (urus diri & masa)
- bntuk jurnal kjayaan.
- contohi org yg trbaik.
- elakkn mkn kpala ikn.
- elakkn minum smasa mkn.
- elakkn minum/mkn yg tercemar dgn semut.
- elakkn mkn shgga jd trlalu kenyang.
- elakkn kncing berdiri.
- elakkn mlihat kmaluan.
- elakkn mmbaca nama di batu nisan.
- elakkn dri sering mlihat buih.
- bykkn mkn mknn yg mngandungi kacang soya spt tempe, tauhu, taufu fah, air tauhu dll
- bykkn mkn kismis, kurma & madu.
- bykkn mkn buah bdm & kcg yg lain.
- pki minyak wngi ktika belajar.
- cari tmpat sesuai.
- siapkn sume kperluan.
- ddk tegak.
- pki minyak wngi.
- pki mnyak rmbut.
- senyum.
- doa penerang hti.
- bca bku, teknik btul (kompas = tgk bpe byk m/s dlm topik, camera = tgk skali imbas stu perstu m/s, album = peta minda, teropong = baca peta mnda & ulngsebut) kompas & camera otk knn berjalan, album & teropong otk kiri berjalan.
- fikir, igt balik.
- catat (peta minda)
- semak.
- ulngsebut.
- rumusan.
- jwb soalan.
- tmpal peta mnda.
- doa.
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Ya Allah.. bukakanlah bagiku pintu-pintu kebaikan, pintu-pintu keselamatan, pintu-pintu kesihatan, pintu-pintu nikmat, pintu-pintu keberkatan, pintu-pintu kekuatan, pintu cinta sejati, pintu-pintu kasih sayang, pintu-pintu rezeki, pintu-pintu ilmu, pintu-pintu keampunan dan pintu-pintu syurga. Wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Location ; SACC
Time ; 2.30 until 5.30 p.m.
Things to buy ;
hmm. ths is my shopping list to ensure me buy those things tht are needed and not being an extravagant. ngeeee ;D but, unfortunately. i didnt bring the list ! -..-
okayy. the story goes like this.
"najah ? awk kat mana nih ? hah ? kat rumah lg ? ok. ktorng kat MPH tau.looking at my watch. its already 3 o'clock. i wonder why najah took it soo long. hmm. as we are waiting for her. Qis, yan and I was reading. im looking for somethng tht is interesting to read, as they too. then suddenly, yana saw somethng.
ok.ok. nnt dah sampai bgtau.
"hah, nih best !"
"Hahhh ? ape bndee ?"then Qistina was laughing. i just stared at them and quickly looked at what is tht book are about. MENDEKATI RAHSIA LELAKI.
then, i was likee
"hhahaha. yana ?!
gatai noo hang nih ?
baca baca baca :D heeee"
related to love story, tips, or wht so ever.
waiting and waiting and waiting. dahh bape kali daa tawaf SACC. 4.30 bru nakk smpi. haishhh.
i could hear my stomach was jamming inside. lagu apa nak ? indie ? rock ? sentimental ? suma bolehh. hahha. sbb dahh tlampau lapar. najah punya pasal lhh nih :P
the BIG APPLE itulahh yang ktorng makan.
And here are some pictures while waiting for my mum to fetch me.
Assalamualaikum ;) and andd hyeee. erm ths is my FIRST time i buat blog,
alia tau, tade spe pun yg tgkkk hahaha :( saje jehh nak try buat. sry tade ape sgt.